20 Tropical Foliage House Plants
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You can bring a plethora of lovely colors, textures, and that chill tropical vibe to your home or office with tropical foliage house plants. They’re quite sensitive, so they don’t grow in the cold climate.
However, you can still grow tropical foliage plants at home. The best part? They’re not very demanding. Just provide some bright light, warm room temperature, and they will thrive along your side.
Below, I will list some of the most common tropical foliage plants you can grow indoors. I will also share tips on how to take good care of them. Without any further ado, let’s get started right away.
20 Tropical Foliage House Plants You Can Easily Grow
When you walk into any garden center, you will notice a wide range of tropical plants. They’re excellent houseplants because they’re extremely easy to grow inside and don’t need much to survive.
I simply adore tropical foliage houseplants! They add a luxurious but still relaxed tone to any living area. The following section contains some of the most popular tropical plants, so let’s take a look.
Dwarf Cattail
You can easily spot the Dwarf Cattail plant in aquatic gardens around the globe. It’s a wonderful tropical plant with a spreading growth habit. If you’re looking for a lovely low growing plant, consider this one. It makes a great ground cover that will elegantly spill out over containers or garden edges.
A Detailed Guide On How To Care About Dwarf Cattails.
Another widely known tropical plant that will make a lovely addition to your home or office is the lovely Eileen. It’s a very appealing aglaonema with large green leaves, hints of pale pink on the undersides, and creamy white dots. It’s a perfect indoor pot plant, but it’s toxic for both people and animals.
Excellent Care Tips For Eileen Plants.
If you’re searching for a herbaceous shrub plant with large green leaves, bright pink stems, and yellow stripes, then Kresna makes a perfect option for you. It’s one of the prettiest indoor pot plants. However, you can also keep it in warm and well-protected gardens as understory plants.
What I like most about this plant is that it’s excellent for removing toxins from the air. Meaning, you can have a tropical foliage house plant that will not only look pretty but also purify your indoor air. Note that it won’t survive in spots that lack light, so provide a bright place for this beauty.
Interesting Information About Kresna Plants.
European Fan Palm
If you’re a forgetful person who has a hard time remembering to water house plants, then the European Fan Palm makes the right choice for you since it’s not a very demanding house plant.
The European Fan Palm develops up to 4 feet tall indoors. And as you can notice by the name, it’s native to Europe which is why it’s thriving in temperature regions. In my opinion, it’s one of the easiest types of palm trees you can cultivate in the comfort of your home that doesn’t grow very tall.
Extra Details About European Fan Palms.
Dumb Cane
The Dumb Cane looks amazing. However, it’s poisonous! Therefore, if you have animals, please consider other plants that aren’t classified as toxic. The good news is that it’s not deadly.
Meaning, if you ingest this plant, you will experience some unpleasant side effects such as swelling. Also, you will experience pain and won’t be able to talk which is where the name of the plant comes from. So, avoid touching the plant and rubbing your eyes without washing your hands beforehand.
Other than that, it’s a tropical house plant with impressive foliage that you won’t find in any other plant. In their natural habitat, Dumb Canes don’t produce flowers, but rarely indoors.
Learn How To Take Care Of Dumb Cane Indoors Properly.
This Is How To Care For Your Indoor Tropical Plants Properly. Watch This Video:
Garden Croton
If you’re not up for a challenge, avoid the Garden Croton. It’s a plant that requires a lot of attention and care. Meaning, it’s not suitable for plant enthusiasts that aren’t very experienced.
Also known as Joseph’s coat, this plant enjoys high humidity levels, bright light, and moist ground which drains well. However, it’s poisonous to animals, so keep that in mind if you have pets.
What I like most about this plant is its unique appearance. The leathery type leaves with yellow veins are what attract people to this plant. It also changes from green to purple pretty often.
Learn More Details About Croton Plant Proper Care.
Lady Valentine
Another attractive tropical foliage plant that you can easily grow indoors is the Lady Valentine. It’s a nice indoor pot plant that you can also grow in warm and well-protected gardens.
The blush pink leaves with a bit of green give this plant a unique appearance. It’s not a super demanding plant. Just provide brighter light and some water and watch this plant thrive.
The Complete Guide On How To Care For Lady Valentine Plants.
Night Sparkle
The name of this plant isn’t the only appealing thing. The lush unique foliage is also eye-catchy. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance tropical house plant that adapts to various environments, look no further than this aglaonema hybrid. It packs bright pink midribs and cleans the air naturally.
Learn More On How To Care For Aglaonema Properly.
Have You Ever Wondered If Plants Sleep At Night? Watch This Video:
Red Vein
The Red Vein makes a great household plant for hanging baskets, tabletops, and terrariums. It’s a lovely plant with red veins spreading over the leaves.
They’re narrow and long leaves while the stems remain shorter than most types of aglaonema. You can grow this plant in bright or low-light places.
More Care Tips For Red Nerve Plants.
Kentia Palm
The Kentia Palm isn’t just a regular palm but a feather type that grows faster than most palm plants. It reaches up to 10 feet in height indoors and offers lovely broad fronds. This palm doesn’t require strict conditions. It’s a low-maintenance palm plant that’s quite popular in the United Kingdom.
Learn How To Take Proper Care Of Kentia Palm Indoors.
Golden Pothos
The Golden Pothos grows up to 6 feet in height and features slim stems that require support, especially if you want the plant to develop upwards in height instead of hanging (you can use a moss stick).
Also known as the Devil’s Ivy, this climbing type vine prefers light places. Keep in mind that the paler the leaves, the more light this plant needs. Also, provide some plant food monthly for faster growth.
A Few Tips And Tricks On How To Care For Pothos Plants.
Tips On How To Grow A Major Pothos and Philodendron Vines. Watch This Video:
Lucky Bamboo
You can easily grow the Lucky Bamboo in both soil and water. It’s a common decorative house plant that belongs to the genus Dracaena. If you opt for this plant, you will enjoy small but lovely oval leaves along with cane-like stalks. It develops up to 2-3 feet in height and doesn’t require much maintenance.
I highly suggest that you place your Lucky Bamboo in the wealth corner of your workspace, home, or bedroom. Allegedly, when placed in the wealth corner (the far left corner of the room), also known as Xun position, the Lucky Bamboo attracts abundance, wealth, and luck.
Important Care And Maintenance Tips For Lucky Bamboo.
Panda Plant
The Panda Plant attracts the attention of plant enthusiasts because it’s easy to grow and maintain, and provides unique furry leaves. It’s a succulent type species that develops dense leaves for water storage purposes. Meaning, you don’t need to water these plants often and still enjoy their velvety leaves.
This beautiful plant is covered with fine hair which is why it’s called the Panda Plant. Other common names include cat ears, chocolate soldiers, donkey ears, white lady, etc. Just place your Panda Plant in medium-bright light and watch it thrive.
Step-By-Step Guide On How To Grow And Care For Panda Plants.
Madagascar Dragon Tree
The Madagascar Dragon Tree sounds extravagant and demanding. However, in reality, it’s a very elegant and low-maintenance tropical plant that grows up to 6 feet in height. Keep in mind that years might pass by until this tree gets 6 feet tall. The best part? It’s a strong plant that recovers easily after neglect.
However, this doesn’t mean that you can neglect your Madagascar Dragon Tree, so if you decide to own it, provide the proper conditions like well-draining soil and standard watering during the early growth to enable the leaves to remain attractive. Also, place this beauty in indirect bright light in your home.
Interesting Information About The Madagascar Dragon Tree.
Swiss Cheese Tree
I just love the heart-shaped leaves of this plant with holes in them. They’re the reason behind the name of the plant. The Swiss Cheese Tree grows up to 6 feet in height indoors. It’s a very exciting tree that also flowers. However, the leaves attract the attention of most plant lovers.
Keep in mind that this unique plant requires warm conditions with higher humidity levels. Also, note it’s toxic to pets, so consider other tropical house plants if you’re a pet owner.
Guide On How To Grow Swiss Cheese Tree Indoors.
Siam Aurora
You will fall in love with Siam Aurora at first glance! It’s that pretty! When I first laid eyes on this plant, I was stunned by the pinky and red veins and margins.
It’s a common aglaonema with beautiful leaves, so it makes a great pot plant that you can also grow in well-protected gardens.
A Detailed Care And Growing Guide For Siam Aurora.
The Beginner’s Guide On How To Care For Siam Aurora. Watch This Video:
Alocasia Polly
The Alocasia Polly is a very unique and recognizable plant with dark green large leaves and stunning light green veins. It’s a lovely pot plant that thrives both in shady and bright places.
However, it’s a high-maintenance tropical plant. Therefore, if you’re up for a challenge, choose Polly. It requires frequent misting, weekly watering sessions, and moist (not wet) soil.
Learn How To Take Care For Alocasia Polly Indoors.
Voodoo Lily
Also known as Konjac, devil’s tongue, snake palm, konnyaku potato, and elephant yam, the voodoo lily is a unique-looking, fascinating plant that provides a single large split-leaf atop a mottled fleshy stem. In a couple of years, you will also notice large flowers that crawl from the ground.
It’s obvious why plant enthusiasts love this one. However, it’s less known that the odor of this plant isn’t very pleasant. It’s a strong and offensive smell. If this isn’t a deal-breaker for you, grow the Voodoo Lily indoors. Note that it’s a frost-sensitive plant and requires rich, organic ground.
This Is How To Grow Voodoo Lily At Home Successfully.
Wave of Love
The Wave of Love is a very popular, very unique, and very expensive house plant with long green leaves and wavy or slightly rippled edges. It’s a pretty pot plant that’s drought-tolerant. However, what I mostly like about this plant is the low maintenance. Meaning, it doesn’t require much care.
Just provide rich, organic, and wet but well-drained soil and find a bright place where your new friend can thrive. Make sure it’s not under direct sunlight. Otherwise, your plant will develop deformed leaves. Also, don’t forget to water and fertilize your Wave of Love regularly and moderately.
Interesting Facts About The Wave Of Love.
Elephant Ear
Last but certainly not least, I have another tropical foliage house plant with dark green and large leaves. You can find this popular plant in many varieties including Coal Miner, Blue Hawaii, Black Coral, Diamond Head, and Burgundy Stem. The Elephant Ear provides a bold tropical effect in any setting.
The Elephant Ear is commonly grown for its lovely leaves which resemble elephant ears. However, what I love most about this plant is that it’s available in different colors and sizes so you can easily find what’s most suitable for your home or office. Furthermore, it’s well-adapted to growing in containers.
Growing this plant is super easy! All you need is rich and moist soil. Usually, elephant ears prefer partial shade but some varieties can grow in the full sun as well.
Water your elephant ears occasionally. I would also suggest that you add a slow-release fertilizer to the soil periodically, but it’s not mandatory.
Learn How To Grow And Care For Elephant’s Ears Properly.
Watch This Video to Know:
Tropical Vibes Only!
As you can notice, most tropical foliage house plants aren’t hard to grow at home. On the contrary, they don’t require much care and maintenance.
Most of the plants mentioned in this article require only the basic elements to survive and thrive such as water, rich soil, light, air, and a bit of food if necessary.
One final thing I would like to mention is that you shouldn’t grow certain tropical plants indoors if you’re a pet owner because some of the tropical plants can be poisonous. Therefore, if you have a pet at home, make sure to check if a certain plant is poisonous or not.
Also, don’t forget to learn as much as possible about certain plants that you plan on growing indoors so you know what you’re dealing with and what to expect.
Do you have any tips on how to take care of tropical house plants? What tropical plants do you have at home? Drop a comment below and let’s chat!