41 Best Thornless Roses
In a world where “every rose has a thorn,” there are certain exceptions to the norm. There are a few roses that don’t have thorns, but they are rare. There are a variety of “almost thornless” roses that have a few thorns on the stem.
A “chimera,” as it’s known in genetics, is how a thornless rose gets its name. To put it another way, the stem’s “skin” tries to create spikes, but the epidermis, the outer layer, prevents it. If it does it once in a while, it just affects the number of thorns on a stem.
With my selection of the most beautiful thornless and nearly thornless roses you may pick from, you can start expanding your garden right now!

Thornless Roses
Here are some famous thornless roses to choose from:
1. Irene Marie Miniature Roses
Irene Marie has beautiful yellow flowers with vivid orange margins that make her stand out. This easy-to-care-for, disease-tolerant rose cultivar is fully thornless and has no smell, making it an excellent choice for beginners.
2. Cinderella Miniature Roses
Cinderella is a drought-resistant species that produces small blooms in a range of colors, including white and pink, depending on the time of year and weather conditions.
Cinderella miniature roses may be a challenge to care for when they’re grown inside the house. However, if you put in some additional time and effort, it can be a fun and rewarding hobby!
3. Amadis Thornless Rambler Rose
The deep-crimson purple blossoms of the ‘Rambling Rose’ have a gentle fragrance. The only drawback is that it does not bloom for a long time.
Amadis rambling roses need a lot of space since they grow so swiftly. Because of this, they’re perfect for climbing trees or leaping over a barrier.
4. Yellow Lady Banks Climber Rose
Due to its ability to thrive in full sun and well-draining soil, Yellow Lady Banks climbing rose is ideal for use on arbors. During the spring, the lady bank produces a profusion of double yellow blooms with a pleasant aroma.
Gardening Advice for Lady Banks Climbing Roses.
5. Veilchenblau Rambler Rose
When grown in full sun, this simple to manage variety produces fragrant blooms in shades of scarlet, purple, and blue. Its foliage is mediocre green, and it is also called ‘violet-blue.’ Make an effort to keep the Veilchenblau Rambler Rose alive by following this complete care advice!
6. ‘Climbing Pinkie’ Polyantha Rose
Those who like perennial flowers in their gardens will find the climbing pinkie rose to be an excellent choice. From June until the first frost, Polyantha Rose produces an abundance of fragrant vibrant pink blooms.
7. Oceana Hybrid Tea Rose
Oceana Hybrid Tea roses are popular for use in bouquets, and they are a gorgeous hue of peach or creamy apricot when they are in bloom. Oceanas are well-known for their appearance during spring weddings and Easter parties.
8. Lykkefund Rose
Lykkefund is a fragrant, creamy-white bloom with a yellow-pink hue available in various sizes. Ensure you have enough area to cultivate this magnificent flower since it may grow up to 20 feet tall and requires a lot of space to thrive.
9. Reine Des Violettes Rose
Reine des Violettes is a prolific bloomer that produces blooms that are violet in color and very fragrant. You may grow them as a climber or as a shrub, depending on your preference.
This cultivar’s velvety blossoms love damp soil, which is why it is so popular.
10. Tausendschon Rose
This thornless rose was founded in the early twentieth century. Tausendschon has large, medium-pink flowers that are mildly scented and come in bunches, and it bears glossy foliage and flowers in the summer.
11. Mme Madame Alfred Carriere Rose
Madame Alfred is a thornless variety that produces roses that bloom profusely throughout the summer and autumn months. In addition to being perfect for archways, Mme Madame Alfred Carriere Rose is a disease-resistant climber that demands plenty of room to thrive.
12. Kathleen Harrop Rose
Kathleen Harrop is a light pink rose variation of the famous ‘Zephirine Drouhin’ cultivar. Throughout the spring and summer, the shrub produces a profusion of aromatic blossoms.
You may grow Kathleen Harrop Rose as a climber in your garden or use them to create an archway in your yard.
13. Rosa Goldfinch Rose
Rosa Goldfinch Rose is a thornless rambling rose that blooms in a large cluster of tiny white and yellow blossoms. The plant blooms in the early spring or late summer when it is exposed to direct sunshine, and it has a rich, fruity aroma.
14. Chloris Rose
The summer months bring out fragrant, lovely blossoms on the Chloris plant. Chloris Rose is a disease-resistant plant that may be grown as climbers or shrubs, and they are very adaptable.
15. Shropshire Lad Rose
The blooms of the Shropshire Lad are fragrant and delicate peach-pink in hue. You may plant them around the edges of your garden. This variety is hardy and does well on the house’s north wall, where it gets moderate shade.
16. Bleu Magenta Rose
The hue of the blue magenta rambling rose may shift from violet to blue to dark purple, depending on the light. Blue magenta blooms throughout the first two years of the plant’s life before changing to a purple hue as the plant grows.
17. Hippolyte Rose
Hippolyte Rose has double mauve flowers with a carmine scarlet center and a hint of white. The flowers are average in size and have a mild scent. This gallica is exceptionally hardy and a little bigger than the majority of the other species.
Nearly Thornless Roses
Here are some of the most popular nearly thornless roses:
18. Smooth Prince Hybrid Tea Rose
Smooth Prince Hybrid Tea Roses have a delicious aroma, and the blossoms have a bright cerise red hue when they are in bloom. This almost thornless variety is disease-resistant and resilient, and it produces a little cluster of flowers at the end of the flowering stem.
What you necessitate to know about cultivating and caring for hybrid tea roses.
19. Zephirine Drouhin Rose
Zephirine Drouhin Rose is a resilient plant that can thrive in shady areas and poor soil conditions. It is a climber, or bourbon rose, with fragrant cerise-red blooms that bloom throughout the warm months of the year.
20. Leander Hybrid Tea Rose
Leander Hybrid Tea Rose has enormous blooms in a range of colors from apricot to yellow and pink, with a light fruity aroma, and they are popular in the garden. This thornless cultivar may be grown in partial sun with a pH of 5.5-7 loamy soil.
Pruning a Tea Rose Hybrid.
21. Outta the Blue Shrub Rose
The blossoms of this fragrant ancestral shrub are magenta in color and hardy in nature. Outta the Blue Shrub Rose’s hue of the flower may vary depending on the season and environment, and it is known to withstand droughts and poor soil conditions.
22. Golden Showers Rose
Golden Showers Rose is a famous yellow climbing rose with vivid yellow-gold petals that fade to creamy white. This perennial will enliven any fence or trellis. Removing wilted flowers early stimulates flowering and extends the season.
23. Souvenir de Kean Rose
When young, the blooms of Souvenir de Kean Rose are crimson-purple in color, but as the plant ages, the blossoms become a shade grape-mauve. It’s a low-maintenance option that can grow up to eight feet tall with little effort and belongs to the Hippolyte rose family.
24. Paul Neyron Rose (Rosa ‘Paul Neyron’)
Paul Neyron is a hybrid perennial rose, meaning it grows well in most conditions. It has large double flowers that come in pink, lilac, and white. They are usually bright pink, so expect them to grow tall. In the autumn, the cut flowers bring joy into your house with their Victorian aroma.
25. Bride’s Dream Rose
Bride’s Dream has traditional hybrid tea flowers that start light pink and flush. Bride’s Dream thrives in mild to warm regions and is a great show rose. It is not a thornless variety, but it has fewer thorns than other hybrid teas.
26. Cardinal de Richelieu Rose
Lightly fragrant, Cardinal de Richelieu Roses are mauve when they first open before becoming a deep purple tint when they completely open. Once, in the early summer, it would blossom. Its shrub may grow up to 5 feet high and 4 feet broad, with dark green leaves and little thorns.
27. Heritage Rose
Heritage Rose has fragile, shell-like, light pink cupped flowers. They are scented with myrrh, honey, and carnation and have a fruity, honeyed aroma. It grows into a bushy, well-rounded shrub.
Heritage Roses: How to Grow Them.
28. Cornelia Rose
Cornelia seems like an old-fashioned rose with its clustered coral buds and double pink blooms with copper centers. With its most fabulous flowers occurring in spring, it produces an arching shrub that may grow up to 5 feet in height.
Planting a Border with the Cornelia Rose Is a Great Idea.
29. Crépuscule Rose
Crepuscules have huge, loosely double blooms that open to almost orange before fading to a deep apricot-yellow. When it comes to cultivating the dark canes, light green leaves with few thorns and a preference for climbing are ideal. Every time it bursts into bloom, it attracts a lot of attention.
30. Crown Princess Margareta Rose
Crown Princess Margareta Rose is a huge, apricot-orange rosette that is grouped in tidy, many-petalled clusters. They have a pronounced fruity scent. High, arching shrubs with shiny leaves cover the ground.
31. Ghislaine de Féligonde Rose
A rambler like Ghislaine de Féligonde is almost thornless, robust, and not too aggressive. The orange buds open to tiny, light apricot flowers with a yellow base, which fade to peach, pink, and white as they mature.
Autumn is the moment of the year when flowers become a deeper shade of pink.
32. La Marne Rose
It is common to see La Marne utilized as a hedge in the landscape. The vase-shaped shrub has a tidy, well-groomed look because it stands upright. To function at its peak and keep its hedge-like shape, La Marne demands full sunlight.
33. Lady Hillingdon Rose
Flowers of Lady Hillingdon are composed of enormous petals that create long, graceful waxy buds that open to reveal big, loosely shaped yellow flowers. These gently dangle from the trees and fill the air with a lovely, deep Tea smell that lingers.
34. Pure Perfume Rose
Pure Perfume is the only rose that has ever bloomed that smells like a freshly cut grapefruit. It is a garden workhorse that sets masses of pointy, ovoid buds that burst into old-fashioned pure white flowers with 100 beautifully cupped petals.
35. Tuscany Superb Rose
A more tangible form of ‘Tuscany,’ with numerous petalled, deep purple blossoms on a grander scale. It grows to be a vigorous shrub with aggressive, spreading growth and dark green leaves that are attractive to birds.
The Tuscany Superb Rose!
36. Rose-Marie Viaud Rose
Rose-Marie Viaud is a late-season bloomer. At first, these rosettes seem to be an intense shade of purple, but as the flowers mature, they fade to an even more delicate shade of lilac. Vigorous, yet not overpowering.
37. Mortimer Sackler Rose
Mortimer Sackler sprays delicate pink blooms, which also have a graceful shape. It has a beautiful Old Rose aroma with savory notes of fruit. When cultivating the Mortimer Sackler Rose, be sure to follow these safety measures!
Unboxing and planting of Mortimer Sackler English Climbing Roses.
38. Thérèse Bugnet Rose
Thérèse Bugnet is a disease-resistant rose shrub that can withstand the elements. Old Rose’s character is evident in the beautiful, loosely double, deep pink blooms. It has a lovely, full scent.
39. Clotilde Soupert Rose
This almost thornless rose is a miniature ‘Souvenir de la Malmaison’ Bourbon rose. Clotilde Soupert Rose is a spherical, cabbage-shaped rose of creamy white with a hint of pink in the center of its 100 petals.
The delicate bloom and compact growth make up for the inclination to ball in humid conditions.
40. The Generous Gardener Rose
The Generous Gardener produces blooms that are finely shaped and nod elegantly on the stalk. When the petals open, several stamens are revealed, giving the flower an almost water lily-like appearance.
A comprehensive video of The Generous Gardener Rose.
41. John Clare Rose
John Clare Rose features medium-sized blossoms that have been painted in a deep pink hue to make them stand out. From late July until late fall, they may be seen on the bush virtually continually. Their fragrance is delicate.
Choosing the Best Thornless Roses or Nearly Thornless Roses for Your Garden
The thorns on roses are something every rose grower wishes they didn’t have to deal with at some time. Pruning and deadheading tend to be the most tiresome tasks.
We tend to forget ourselves or become so engrossed in getting the job done that we accidentally puncture our fingers.
While certain kinds may withstand partial shade, roses generally produce the most blooms if given a spot that acquires at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight each day.
In addition, the soil must be well-drained, and the air must circulate freely. Roses don’t fare well in areas that are always wet, and you run the danger of attracting pests and illnesses!
Once you have chosen your favorite thornless roses listed above, you’ll have to figure out where to put the roses you’ve selected in your garden.
Which thornless rose variety would you want to plant in your garden right now? Make sure everyone in your social circle is aware of it!