41 Best Pink Houseplants
Pink houseplants stand out and become a focal point in every room as soon as you find the proper place for them. People enjoy the beautiful contrast of green and pink. For me, I love the various pink shades, from vivid to pastels.
Also, pink houseplants are easy to combine with other houseplants, especially the ones with white flowers or lush foliage.
So, get ready for the list of most stunning indoor pink plants!

Pink Household Vines, Shrubs And Other Plants
There are so many lovely pinkish plants to choose from for your home. If you prefer larger plants, here is a list you’ll find useful!
#1 Philodendron Pink Princess
Pink Princess or Pink Philodendron is an expensive, human-made variety of philodendrons. Philodendron erubescens has solid pink leaves, which will return to green if you don’t care for the plant properly. However, if your entire plant turns pink, it means it is dying from the lack of chlorophyll!
In perfect indoor conditions, Pink Philodendron can reach up to four feet! Find out the ideal conditions for Pink Princess Philodendron to get the perfect balance between pink and green!
#2 Pink Rubber Tree
A Pink Rubber Tree or Ficus Elastica is a beautiful but sensitive plant. It is suitable for indoor conditions and thrives in moderate light and humidity.
The tree can get up to eight feet in height and dazzle all the other plants you have with its majestic appearance and beautiful pinkish foliage.
#3 Tricolour Prayer Plant
Tricolour Prayer Plant or Stromanthe sanguinea is a tropical plant that adds much needed tropical vibe to your home. The plant enjoys humid and hot conditions, so it is perfect for the bathroom!
But, if you want to keep this beautiful plant in your living room, place it with other plants that enjoy high humidity. The group of plants in one place will trap as much humidity as possible and keep the plants moist!
During the winter, when the air is dry, you can use a humidifier, or transfer the plant to the bathroom! Get all tips for caring for Tricolour Prayer Plant!
#4 Pin Stripe Calathea
Pin Stripe Calathea or Calathea Ornata has distinct pink stripes on thick and lush, dark green leaves. The plant has a luxurious appearance, but it is far away from low-maintenance. It requires dedicated care to stay alive and extra efforts to achieve healthy foliage!
Try keeping the Pin Stripe Calathea alive with the detailed care guide!
#5 Cordyline Pink Diamond
Cordyline Fruiticosa or Pink Diamond Cordyline tolerates sun well, so you can keep on the window where you get the most sun.
The plant enjoys moist but not overly wet soil. In perfect condition, pink diamond develops stunning vivid pink stems and thick and long leaves with white edges. Find out how to prune your Pink Diamond!
#6 Polka Dot Plant
A lovely Hypoestes Phyllostachyahas a common name Polka Dot thanks to its distinct appearance. The plant has variegated foliage and is great for compact places. Sometimes, people call it a flamingo plant.
In summer the plant is the most attractive due to the flowers spreading around eye-catching pink foliage. Learn the best tips for growing the flamingo plant indoors!
Watch this video to know more:
#7 Aglaonema
The pink variant of Aglaonema is called Aglaonema Pink Dalmatian or Aglaonema Modestum. The plant features bright pink variegations on evergreen foliage. It thrives in full sun locations. Generally, this beautiful plant is low-maintenance but isn’t very pet-friendly.
Find out why you need to keep Aglaonema away from pets!
#8 Mosaic Plant
Nerve, Mosaic or Fittonia Albivenis plant is a beginner-friendly pink plant! People also call it a pink angel, because of the bright pink veins on the dark green leaves.
The Pink Angel is one of the rare pink plants that doesn’t mind low light! Find out how to prevent the crisp spots on the Fittonia leaves!
#9 Pink Arrowhead Plant
The Pink Arrowhead plant prefers moderate sunlight and even watering. The ideal temperature for the pink variant of the arrowhead plant to grow is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The foliage on the pink variant goes from beautiful pastel pink to deep pink!
But, if the leaves appear yellow or lose the pink pigment, it is a sign that you are doing something wrong. Check how to help your Arrowhead plant!
#10 Pink Dragon Tree
Dragon Tree with pink foliage has a scientific name Dracaena Marginata Tricolor. The plant has a tropical vibe and is native to Madagascar.
A great thing about this pinkish plant is its high drought and low light tolerance. It also doesn’t require frequent watering, so it is the perfect choice for people who travel a lot!
Find out more about different varieties of Dracena plants!
#11 Rex Begonia
The Rex Begonia plant is famous for its breathtaking leaves. There are several color varieties, and pink is the most attractive one. Pink Begonia is relatively easy to care for and will award you with the most stunning leaf color with a little bit of care.
Once you find a suitable spot for your Begonia Rex-Cultorum, caring for it becomes simple.
Check the detailed instructions for Begonias!
#12 Pretty Pink Caladium
If you have a spot in your home you’d like to illuminate, choose pink caladium or Caladium Bicolor. The plant has distinctive large leaves in the shape of a heart, with striking hot pink veins!
The plant keeps the stunning color all season! But keep in mind that too much sun exposure may burn the leaves and make them fade!
Check how to plant Caladium bulbs!
#13 Strawberry Saxifrage
Strawberry Saxifrage or Saxifraga Stolonifera is a lovely dark-leaved plant with pink edges. The opposite side of the leaves is bright pink, which gives the plant additional dimension and structure.
Saxifrage requires watering from below to ensure the leaves remain dry and vivid. Discover more tips for growing your Saxifraga!
#14 Party Time Alternanthera
The Party Time Alternanthera is a statement plant that will brighten every room! It has beautiful leaves splashed with hot pink.
Also, the plant is perfect for spots in your home that don’t reach enough sun! Where other plants will get dull, Alternanthera Ficoidea Party Time thrives! Here are more interesting facts about this lovely plant!
#15 Variegated Pink Croton
Codiaeum Variegatum is a beautiful, but poisonous plant. Therefore, if you have young kids or pets, you might want to think twice before growing it in your home.
Pink Croton needs a sunny location and occasional fertilization to develop bright-colored leaves! Learn everything about croton plants!
#16 Anthurium Tickled Pink
The pink Anthuriums are on this list because of the unusual bills that make contrast with deep green leaves. Almost fluorescent blossoms stand tall on thick stems and make the glossy leaves stand out!
Caring for pink Anthurium isn’t different from other Anthurium cultivars! Discover the basic care to get the most out of your pink Anthurium!
#17 Picture Perfect Salmon Pink Coleus
The Coleus variety or Solenostemon Scutellarioides has the word perfect in the name for a reason. The plant has gigantic leaves with bright green foliage and hot pink speckles.
Despite its huge leaves, the plant is actually suitable for compact places, because of the even spread in height and width.
Here is what to do to keep the pink even brighter!
#18 Pink Delight Butterfly Bush
If you are looking for a shrub or shrub-like plant to refresh your space, check the Butterfly Bush in the color delight pink.
You can grow it outside and inside, but only in cold areas of your home, such as a hallway or balcony. Find out here how to grow butterfly bushes in containers!
#19 Boat Lily
Because Boat Lilly enjoys shade or partial sun and medium temperatures, the plant is perfect for growing near windows. However, if you notice that the bright pink is slowly fading, bring the plant back to the sunlight to boost the color!
Generally, Boat Lilies or Tradescantia Spathacea and Moses in the cradle, are low-maintenance plants. Here is all you need to know about growing Boat Lilies!
#20 Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol, Rose or Helleborus Niger is one of the strangest-looking plants on the list. The plant has a central crown made with small yellow stamens, and the accompanying foliage in deep green, speckled with bright pink.
The plant blooms during the Christmas season, which is how it got the name!
Find out how to keep the Christmas Carol plant alive!
#21 Earth Star
While we are at unusual plants, check the pink Earth Star or Cryptanthus plant coming from Brazil. When grown outdoors, the plant gets massive, but indoors it stays petite. The plant has stiff, coarse foliage in pink and green colors.
Here are specific plant care requirements for the Earth star plant!
#22 Pink Congo
Pink Congo is a controversial plant. It is a human-made hybrid plant that gained popularity a couple of years ago. It is a type of Philodendron, and the pink in the foliage is a chemically induced phenomenon. The plant is real, but once it loses the pink foliage, it remains attractive as well.
Read the entire controversy about Pink Congo here!
#23 Pink Chaos Coleus
Here is another beautiful Coleus plant. Pink Chaos is worthy of the name because of the unique fusion of rich pink, deep green, and glossy white! The plant’s botanical name is Plectranthus Scutellarioides.
Keep the plant in a sunny location until it establishes and develops the vivid pink! Then you can keep it in partial shade! If you liked the plant, don’t forget to read more about its maintenance!
Surprising tips for achieving multi-colored coleus plant, watch this video to know more:
24 Snow White Waffle Plant
Snow white waffle plant comes from India and Indonesia. It is a small plant that doesn’t require repotting often.
The plant is elegant and small and thrives when kept moist. Sometimes, the color variations on the foliage go from purple to hot pink with speckles of white.
Here is a quick guide on how to care for Hemigraphis alternata!
#25 Aglaonema Prestige
Aglaonema Prestige is another cultivar of a lovely Aglaonema plant. The plant features attractive pink and pastel green leaves. Compared to another pink variant of Aglaonema, this one has a more pastel shade of pink.
The foliage is tender, and the plant is easy to care for.
Here are more tips for taking care of Aglaonema prestige!
Pink Succulents
Let’s explore the wonderful world of pink succulents. Below are the most beautiful succulents in various shades of pink!
#26 Calico Kitten Plant
Crassula Pellucida Variegata has small heart-shaped leaves and white flowers in spring. Calico Kitten plants can be grown indoors and outdoors, with little to no effort at all! Find out what it takes to grow a beautiful Calico Kitten plant!
#27 Variegated Kalanchoe
If you want a succulent that forms small shrubs, check the Kalanchoe Fedtschenkoi Variegata. The plant is sometimes called Tricolor Lavender Scallops, because of the stunning color display.
The plant comes from Madagascar and has green, grey, blue foliage with pink edges! It can reach 2 inches in height! Check out the tips for growing this pinkish Kalanchoe!
#28 Six Angled Kalanchoe
Six angled Kalanchoe features rigid stems and curved leaves. The botanical name is Kalanchoe Sexangularis. Young leaves have a reddish shade, but as the plant matures, the leaves get splashes of pink color.
During the blossom season, the yellow flowers make the plant even more gorgeous. Read more about this lovely kalanchoe!
#29 Pink Moonstone
Pachyphytum Oviferum is a small and chubby succulent, with thick foliage that looks like pebbles. The plant comes from Mexico and enjoys full sun locations. It is a delicate plant, and the most challenging part is repotting the plant once you get it.
Learn how to do it properly to ensure healthy growth!
#30 Pink Lady
Callisia Repens is one of the tallest succulents. It can reach four inches in the right growing conditions.
It has small green leaves with pinkish and purple edges. To ensure the richest color of your Pink lady, you should practice a particular watering method. Find out more about it here!
#31 Pink Jelly Bean
Sedum Rubrotinctum Aurora has a cute common name – Pink Jelly Bean because of its distinct appearance. The plant has a unique color fusion of lime green and hot pink.
The ideal conditions for the pink jelly bean plant are full but indirect sun, well-draining soil, and careful watering. Discover how to take proper care of your Pink Jelly Bean!
#32 Pink Butterflies
If you love succulents, then the pink butterflies plant will be a gem in your succulent collection. The scientific name of the plant is Kalanchoe х Houghtonii.
The plant is one of the easiest succulents to grow and has stunning rigid stems with pink plantlets. It is sometimes called the Mother of Thousands!
Grasp more tips for ideal growing conditions for this small plant!
#33 Perle Von Nurnberg
Perle Von Nurnberg is a grey Echeveria that turns pink when you expose it to full sun. The plant is not toxic and dormant in winter.
Is the Perle Von Nurnberg worth having in your collection? Learn more about proper care and decide!
#34 Pink Aeonium
Pink Aeonium thrives in sandy soil. The variant Aeonium Aurea ex El Hierro is one of the most beautiful aeoniums you can find, but not many nurseries sell them.
During hot weather, succulents turn pink and come back to green once the summer is over. But, you can keep it in the hot and humid environment to keep the pink shade year-round! Find out more about this rare succulent!
#35 Euphorbia Monadenium
Euphorbia Monadenium is another rare variety of succulents. The plant grows moderately tall with a delicate cream and pink foliage.
Once it blooms, the flowers develop pastel pink shade! Here is all you need to know about this plant, often referred to as pink spurge!
You can get the most colorful succulents with these care tips, see the video below:
#36 Tippy Echeveria
The Echeveria Tippy has a rosette shape and stunning green leaves. The leaves have a unique green-blue shade with hot pink tips, hence the name.
The tips look sharp but are actually soft and fleshy. It propagates through leaves, and here is how to do it properly!
#37 Raindrops Echeveria
Another Echeveria on my list is most known for its pink bumps on the foliage. The plant can reach six inches and blooms in spring. You can grow it indoors and outdoors. Here are precautions to take when growing Raindrops Echeveria!
#38 Taurus Echeveria
Taurus Echeveria has bell-shaped flowers on fleshy stems. The plant needs sunlight, and a tiny amount of water to thrive. The triangular leaves form a rosette shape, and the whole plant turns pink when you take good care of it.
Find out what the recommended conditions for growing Taurus Echeveria are!
#39 Echeveria Can Can
If you prefer succulents with curved foliage instead of sharp leaves, pick Echeveria Can Can. Fleshy leaves are curved on the edges which feature pastel pink endings. The plant blooms in summer with hot pink flowers. Find how to grow your Echeveria Can Can to its full potential!
#40 Pink Frills
Echeveria Shaviana or succulent Pink Frills features multiple rosette-shaped offsets. The leaves are rich and fleshy with hot pink edges and various shades of silver, blue and green. Check how to grow Pink Frills indoors or outdoors!
#41 Sunrise Succulent
Anacampseros or a Sunrise Succulent is a slow-growing plant. But, caring for the plant is quite simple with a few precautions.
The plant isn’t drought tolerant and doesn’t love heat or intense light. Learn more about ideal growing conditions for Sunrise Succulent!
Choose Characters Of Your Pink Rhapsody
Pink plants are unusual and can blend easily with other plants. Some of them are tricky to care for because they require specialized sun conditions and just the right amount of water. But, once you learn how to care for your plants, they will award you with a stunning appearance!
Also, if you don’t want to put a lot of effort into growing pink household plants, you can always choose pink succulents!
Which plant is your favorite? If you find the article useful, don’t forget to like it and share it with your friends and family!