28 Pink Flower Names
Are you looking for the most delightful pink flower names and ideas?
Pink flowers are stunning and can be the only flowering plant you’ll grow in your garden. Also, they are easy to pair with most other flowers, lavender, cream, white and darker flower shades.
There are plenty of species that produce pink flowers, so it can be difficult to choose only. But, why stop there? You can make stunning flower arrangements by mixing different flowers. Don’t be intimidated by some unusual pink flowers. You can have almost any plant thriving in your garden as long as the hardness zone matches and you are familiar with the plant’s ideal growing conditions.
Keep reading to find out which plants with pink flowers are easiest to grow. Which pink flowers require specialized care to thrive? Let’s find out!

1. Pink ​Aster
The beautiful plant Aster has flowers similar to Daisies. The flower heads are shaped almost like a star, with thin petals and round centers.
You can find asters in many colors, from blue, light purple, lavender, and pink.
Pink asters, like other asters, bloom when the rest of the flowers in your garden will fade – late summer and fall. Therefore, planting pink asters is a safe way to prolong the blooming season in your garden!
Learn how and when to plant asters!
2. Amaryllis
Delicate Amaryllis Belladonna has several common names. You may know it under the name March Lily, Jersey Lily, Naked Lady Lily, or Belladonna Lily. The plant is native to South Africa but has been grown around the plant for its beautiful, sophisticated pink flowers.
An interesting fact about March Lily is that the plant develops leaves after blooms, and not before, like most other plants.
Find out more extraordinary facts about this pink flower, alongside care advice!
3. Giant Onion
Giant ornamental Onion or scientifically, Allium giganteum is a lovely bulb plant. It develops rich pink flowers which spread garlic aroma! So, you’re probably wondering why you would like your flower garden to smell like garlic?
The ornamental onion is a beautiful plant, which blooms in the early summer and keeps the flowers for a whole month. The clustered pink flowers bring dimension to your garden. If you plant it with other fragrant plants, the smell won’t be a bother.
Read more about Ornamental onions to decide whether to plant them in your garden!
4. Bougainvillea
Bougainvillea Spectabilis is a vine that develops the most bright pink flowers. It spreads almost like a shrub and makes a stunning choice for decorating your balcony, patio, or around the swimming pool. Bougainvillea isn’t a challenging plant to grow.
It thrives in fertile, moisture-retentive soil and hot and dry climate.
You can use a trellis or rustic wooden structure to support the pink Bougainvillea to grow the way you want. But, keep in mind that the plant has thorns so ensure it isn’t in the way!
Find out how Bougainvillea can support itself to grow vertically!
5. Bergenia Pink Dragonfly
Bergenia Pink Dragonfly or Bergenia Cordifolia blooms early in March and April. The plant goes dormant in winter to come back in spring with vividly colored pink flowers and dark green foliage. The plant is hardy and easy to take care of, but only if you provide enough sunlight to the plant.
It may survive part shade, but the bell-shaped flowers won’t be as rich and vivid as if you planted it in full sun.
Discover how to plant and grow Bergenia!
6. Bee Balm
Bee Balm, Beebalm or Monarda is an aromatic plant, native to North America. You can find this lovely flower in woodlands, and it is highly attractive to hummingbirds, bees and butterflies.
The flowers resemble sages, and you can find them in different colors, red, white, purple, and my favorite – pink.
Also, Bee Balm isn’t toxic, so you can safely grow it around pets and children!
Check more about this colorful perennial plant!
7. Clematis
Clematis Montana develops lovely pink flowers. You can combine it with the white Clematis to achieve even more striking effects. Clematis is a climber, and it is one of the fastest-growing climbers you can grow in your garden. It flowers around May if you plant it well.
The ideal timing for planting Clematis Montana is early spring or fall. Choose a shady location, but make sure that the flower head is directed toward the sun.
Find out more about the humble, but beautiful pink Clematis!
8. Angel’s Trumpet
Angel’s Trumpet or Brugmansia got the name by its large, trumped-shaped, colorful, and aromatic flowers. The plant is a woody shrub, and suitable for landscaping. However, the plant is toxic and should be planted away from pets.
The plant thrives in hot water, which is understandable considering it is a tropical plant. To encourage new flower growth, you’ll have to deadhead the spent ones. It will ensure the plant looks tidy and boost the new blossoms.
Does Brugmansia make you hallucinate? Find out before you plant it!
9. Hibiscus
Hibiscus is a fast-growing plant best known for its vivid flowers. There are hundreds of different Hibiscus varieties, but Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis is the one with magnificent dark pink flowers.
Even though the flowers fade away quickly, sometimes even after one day, they make a stunning inhabitant of every garden.
You can grow Hibiscus as a shrub, or plant it in containers. If you live in a warm climate, use Hibiscus as a base plant for other less temperature-tolerant plants.
Here are the general requirements for growing Hibiscus!
10. Hollyhock
Hollyhocks or Alcea rosea is a biennial plant that blooms in the middle of the summer. It produces multiple flowers on tall and slim spikes. The plant can have single or double flowers, almost shaped like cups. You can find Hollyhocks in red, white, black, blue, purple and pink.
People also grow them for their lovely large and thick foliage.
Learn how to plant Hollyhocks!
11. Hyacinth Orientalis Pink Pearl
The scented Hyacinth is a spring-bloomer that has been popular for centuries. It is a bulbous plant that grows slowly and requires special care. Hyacinth grows best when planted in the fall in bulb vases. The variety Hyacinthus Orientalis Pink Pearl is one of the most beautiful cultivars of this plant.
However, keep in mind that Hyacinth is highly toxic to humans and pets. Each stem is 20-30 cm tall with stunning hot pink clusters of tiny flowers.
Discover more about the Hyacinth plant!
12. Primrose
Primrose or Primula Vulgaris requires a cool and shaded spot. Therefore, Primroses thrive in woodland borders. You can also plant them around Daffodils to get the burst of color in your garden. Pink Primroses feature delicate, velvety flowers in deep pink with yellow centers.
You can also mix several varieties of Primroses and make a colorful flowering carpet.
Find out how to take care of Primroses!
13. Zinnia
Zinnia Violacea or Zinnia Elegans is a beautiful plant with even more wonderful meaning. It symbolizes friendship and goodness, so Zinnia is also used as a cut flower for bouquets.
Zinnia is a bushy plant that doesn’t grow too tall. It has upright, moderately thick and branching stems with rich pinkish flowers.
If you are interested in growing Zinnia, remember that it needs warmth and plenty of sunlight to grow and establish.
Learn what it takes to grow pink Zinnia in your garden.
14. Veronica
Veronica Spicata or Speedwell is a unique looking plant that produces flowers in vivid colors of pink, purple and blue.
The plant is easy to grow in loamy soil and full sun location. Red Fox is my favorite cultivar because of the lovely pink flowers that develop on the top of the narrow stems.
The mature plant doesn’t get taller than 12 inches and blooms in early summer.
Discover how little care Veronica needs!
15. Delphinium
During the blooming season, pink Delphiniums look dramatic and become a focal point in your garden. Even though most people grow Sapphire-blue Delphinium, the pink variant is equally stunning but less popular.
The botanical name of the plant is Delphinium Elatum, and they look best when planted on the borders of your garden.
The plant got the name because open flowers look like dolphins!
Read the quick Delphinium guide!
16. Campions
Silene Coronaria or Rose Campion is a short-lived perennial. In most cases, it won’t survive more than two years. In the first year, the plant develops upright and oval long leaves.
The second year is a blooming year, when a plant gets lovely solitary flowering stems. Each flower has five purple, white or pink petals, which sometimes overlap.
The plant is also grown for unique, fleshy and harry foliage!
Get the full description of Rose Campions!
17. Hortensia
Who doesn’t love Hortensia? The shrub flowers around Easter and Mother’s day and can be grown in pots and outside. When grown outside, and in optimal conditions, Hortensia is a fast grower.
But, despite the grandiose appearance, Hortensia is actually a very delicate plant. When you grow it outside, you need to protect it from cold temperatures, winds, and too much watering!
Find out why is Hortensia also called Hydrangea?
18. Coneflower
Coneflowers or Echinacea are well-known and adored flowers around the world. They are easy to grow in different climates and they maintain rich flowers for months! Also, coneflowers are very attractive to pollinators, so they are great to plant around other plants.
You can find Coneflowers in different shapes from pink, red and orange and they are perfect cut flowers. Coneflowers have tall stems with solitary flowers with tiny petals and puffy centers!
Here is what you need to know before you start growing Echinacea!
19. Sweet William
Dianthus Barbatus or Sweet William is an unusual flowering plant that comes from southern Europe and Asia. Nowadays, Sweet William is common in gardens around the world and used for ornamental purposes.
The Newport pink variant has light pink flowers in the shape of discs.
Grow it in fertile, moist, well-draining soil and it will award you with the richest flowers from spring to the end of summer! Discover how to grow Sweet William from scratch!
Check out the easy way to plant Sweet William.
20. Columbine
Aquilegia Vulgaris or Columbine is a plant that grows in the wild and gardens. Wild variety has lovely blue flowers, and cultivars developed by humans are purple, pink, white, or mauve. In the USA, Columbine is known by the name American Bluebells Culverwort or Granny’s Bonnet.
You can grow it in large open spaces in your garden and enjoy its bell-shaped flowers and fleshy stems!
Read more about this interesting plant!
21. Plumeria
Plumeria Rubra is native to Mexico and used around subtropical and tropical areas around the world as a beautiful park plant. But, people also use Plumeria Rubra in cemeteries and religious temples.
The ornamental tree is better known as Red Frangipani with lovely symmetrical and heavily fragrant pinkish flowers. The tree is drought and salt tolerant and can be easily grown from seeds.
Learn what it takes to grow Plumeria Rubra from seeds!
22. Verbena
Verbena Bonariensis is a charming perennial plant with tall and slim steps. On top of each stem, you can notice pinkish and deep purple flowers at the end of the summer.
Most people grow it as an ornamental plant, and because of the elegant stems, Verbena is great to plant on the borders. You can pair it with ornamental grasses!
Verbena is a self-seeding plant that thrives in moist soil and full sun! Find out how to take care of Verbena if you live in a colder area!
23. Great Masterwort
Astrantia Major or Great Masterwort is a tall perennial, most recognizable by its lobed leaves. The plant produces striking clusters of tiny colorful flowers. The two most common variants are white and pink, and the plant can be grown on the ground or in pots.
However, if you decide to grow it in pots, remember that it will need more watering to develop a strong root system and establish.
Sometimes, the flower is called Aunt Hatie’s Pincushion.
Find out how many years Great Masterwort needs to reach its full height!
24. Pink Wisteria
Pink Japanese Wisteria is a rare variant of the Wisteria tree. It has stunning pastel pink flowers dropping from stems in 6 inches long chains. If you take good care of it, Wisteria will award you with two blooming seasons during the year! The botanical name is Wisteria Floribunda Rosea.
You can train your Japanese Wisteria to grow in the shape you want, or maintain the standard tree form. Pink Wisteria is considered invasive, so you’ll have to keep an eye on the growth rate.
Here are the most stunning types of Wisteria!
25. Oleander
Oleander is a charming and versatile shrub that can be trained into the standard tree shape. You can grow it in pots or the ground, in different climates. Nerium Oleander grows in different conditions, poor-quality soil, around pavements, and in salty areas.
Therefore, it is a great plant to grow around the coast. Oleander cannot survive cold temperatures, more specifically, temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
But, if you are growing Oleander in the container, you can bring it indoors so it can survive the harsh winter.
Here are more tips for growing Oleander.
26. Desert Rose
Adenium Obesum or Desert Rose is a common bonsai plant, and one of the most beautiful slow growers. Desert Rose doesn’t grow more than 12 inches per year and it is a type of succulent.
In tropical areas, Desert Rose is an outdoors ornamental plant. But if you live in a colder climate, you’ll have to grow this plant indoors. It has delicate foliage and deep pink, trumpet-shaped flowers.
The plant needs a lot of sunlight and careful watering. If you overwater it, the plant may die. On the other hand, if you don’t water it enough, Desert Rose won’t develop lush flowers.
Read the comprehensive care guide about Desert Rose.
Best tips for growing Desert Rose. You can see this video to know more:
27. Gerbera Daisy
Gerbera Daisy, or African Daisy or Gerbera Jamesonii is one of the most common cut flowers used for bouquets. These flowers are available in various colors and shades and look very attractive. The single flower appears on the top of the tall and slim stems. The multi petal flower resembles the Daisy, but Gerbera has larger and thicker stems.
Growing pink Gerbera outdoors is simple, but growing the plant indoors can be a little tricky.
Growing Gerbera Daisy isn’t impossible with these tricks.
28. Cosmos
Cosmos Bipinnatus are annual, low-maintenance plants. You can just spring the seeds in the garden after the last frost, and expect the first stems to appear in around two months. Soon after that, Garden Cosmos will award you with elegant pinkish flowers! The best thing about this low-maintenance plant is the long blooming season! The flowers will appear until the end of the fall.
Cosmos is an invasive plant, so you can also grow them in pots to prevent them from hijacking your garden.
Read more about this lovely pink flower!
Pink Flowers Are Always A Great Idea
Whether you are looking for inspiration for indoor pink flowers or outdoor shrubs and trees, you won’t regret planting something with pink flowers.
Also, there is so much you can do with pink flowers. You can add them to bouquets, make stunning table arrangements and decorate whatever space you want.
My favorite pink flower is Bougainvillea. What about you? What is your top pick when it comes to pink flowers?
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