30 Best Balcony Privacy Plants
Do you want to spruce up your terrace with some excellent balcony privacy plants? If you answered yes, here is the article for you!
You don’t have to build up a wall or sturdy fence to ensure privacy. It is easy to keep things for yourself with the help of majestic plants! Not only will these plants keep the block your neighbors out, but they will also bring a beautiful green vibe to your outdoor space.
Most of the plants from the list are relatively easy to grow. Some may require specialized care. But, I will go through it briefly so you can confidently pick privacy plants for your balcony!

1. Bamboo
There are more than 100 varieties of Bamboo, and not all of them are suitable for container growing. For example, Seabreeze and Buddha Belly are great types of Bamboo for privacy.
Bamboo is a low-maintenance plant. It needs a yearly dose of slow-release nitrogen-rich fertilizer and consistent irrigation in the first year after planting. You should divide the plants regularly every three or four years to ensure every plant has enough space for growth.
2. English Ivy
English Ivy is one of the easiest trailing plants to grow for privacy. It is great for year-round protection and you need to provide a supporting structure for it to grow. A wooden trellis will work great and help the plant to spread as quickly as possible.
As for the maintenance, English Ivy requires a lot of moisture and fertilizer when you grow it in containers. Also, don’t forget to protect the roots during the winter.
A way to grow English Ivy quickly.
3. Butterfly Bush
Butterfly Bush is a beautiful plant to keep on your balcony! It can thrive in pots, but you need to provide good soil and proper sunlight exposure. Pick lightweight soil with excellent drainage and a little bit of organic compost. Don’t mulch on top of the soil for Butterfly Bush. Put the containers where your plants will receive at least six hours of sunlight each day!
You don’t have to use fertilizer in the first year. After that, amend the soil in spring with a balanced fertilizer that should do it!
4. Big Bluestem
Big Bluestem is a hardy ornamental grass that is easy to grow and spectacular on the balcony. The plant is adaptable to various conditions but grows best in full light. When you grow it in garden soil, Big Bluestem can get invasive.
It can grow in a variety of soil – sandy or clay, but the soil needs to be well-draining. Established Big Bluestem is drought tolerant, but container plants will benefit from regular watering!
5. Yellow Indiangrass
Yellow Indiangrass is a majestic perennial with blue-green foliage. It can reach three feet and significantly improve any landscape or balcony.
Because you can grow it in full sun or partial shade, Yellow Indiangrass is a great plant for balconies. It prefers thin and well-drained soil and doesn’t need complex care.
6. Arborvitae
Arborvitae is such a classy plant for privacy. You can grow them in containers quite easily. It is important to pick the container well because it needs to be six or seven times larger than the root ball. That way, your Arborvitae will have enough space to grow.
Arborvitae grows well in full sun or partial shade. If you live in a tropical climate, you need to protect the plant from the harsh afternoon sun. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy, and don’t let it dry out completely during warm days.
Best tips for trimming Arborvitae.
7. Canna Lily
Canna Lily might not be an obvious choice for a privacy plant. But, Canna Lily develops lush and rich foliage and beautiful flowers which can work as a privacy screen!
The plant is most beautiful in summer and fall, during the blooming season. It needs a lot of sunlight to thrive, and Canna Lily is hardy in zones from seven to 11.
Plant it in later spring or early summer for best results.
8. Princess Flower
Princess Flower is such a stunning plant, well-known for its beautiful purple flowers and extended blooming season. The plant is hardy in zones nine to 11 and requires full sun to thrive.
Plant Princess Flower in rich and fertile, slightly acidic, and well-draining soil if you want to provide the best conditions.
Add organic manure once a year to boost the growth and enjoy the spectacular display of purple flowers.
Princess Flower is somewhat drought-tolerant but grows best with consistent moisture.
9. Hops
Hops might be slightly more challenging to grow in containers than in garden soil. But, you can achieve it!
Put the container so the Hops receives at least six hours of sunlight per day or more. Provide a large adjustable trellis for support and a spacious container that will handle the plant’s roots.
Watering should be done by soaking the plant to ensure the root system gets enough moisture. Don’t let the plant dry, check the soil and water if it feels dry. Also, feed the plant with diluted fertilizer to provide enough nutrients.
10. Rose of Sharon
Rose of Sharon or hibiscus features beautiful flowers and can reach 12 feet in height! Therefore, it makes a magnificent plant for privacy. You can start Rose of Sharon from seeds in well-draining and light soil. Adding peat moss or perlite will help with the drainage!
The plant needs frequent watering to grow to its full potential.
Keep your Rose of Sharon in full sun location and feet with a balanced fertilizer for the best blooms!
11. Viburnum
Viburnum is a great shrub to grow in pots on the balcony. Plant it in a pot that is at least eight inches wider than the rootball. Therefore, your Viburnum will develop freely and establish soon. The shrub needs a lot of sunlight and fertile, well-draining soil.
Viburnum may tolerate shade, but it won’t bloom as much as it can. You can plant Viburnum in fall or spring in most climates.
Water the container Viburnum regularly and watch your plant thrive!
12. Dracaena
Even though Dracaena is a popular houseplant, you can also grow it outdoors for privacy. Dracaena needs consistent warmth, and you should only pick it for your balcony if you live in a tropical climate.
If the climate fits, your outdoor Dracaena will thrive in rich soil. You can add compost to boost the nutrient value of the soil.
13. Skip Laurel
Skip Laurel is different from edible Bay Laurel. It is an attractive inedible shrub that will look amazing on your balcony! The average height of Skip Laurel is between ten and 15 feet and the shrubs spread about seven feet.
Skip Laurel is easy to grow. The plant will also develop beautiful showy white flowers! You can trim it to maintain the desired shape for privacy!
14. Amaranth
Amaranth is an all-in-one plant. It is perfect for tea, landscape, and as a flour source. Basically, Amaranth is a weed, but you can grow it to block out your curious neighbors!
Amaranth is not a demanding plant, and you can successfully grow it from seeds. Water the plant moderately, but stick with the consistent watering schedule. You can also amend the soil with organic fertilizer to keep the plant healthy!
15. Fuchsia
If your balcony doesn’t receive a lot of sunlight, your choice for privacy plants is limited. Pick Fuchsia as one of the best privacy plants for shade!
Fuchsia needs a good-quality potting mix and consistently moist soil. Because it is a tropical plant, Fuchsia needs high humidity. You can spritz the Fuchsia with water to improve humidity! Protect the plant during winter, or pink a frost-hardy type.
16. Horsetail
Horsetail is an evergreen perennial, not-flowering plant. It might not be as attractive as some other flowers on my list, but Horsetail will make an excellent privacy screen for your balcony.
You can grow Horsetail in full sun or partial shade in well-draining, moist soil. Additionally, Horsetail can transform your balcony into a modern jungle, and won’t require a lot of effort to grow!
17. Hydrangea
If your balcony is spacious, why not pick Hydrangea? It will quickly add drama and bring life to your space with large and showy flowers and luscious foliage.
Growing Hydrangeas in pots requires large containers with drainage holes. Also, keep the soil moist to prevent the flowers and foliage from wilting. Potted Hydrangea needs morning sunlight and protection in the afternoon hours!
Caring for potted Hydrangea: Must-Know Advice.
18. Elderberry
Elderberries aren’t commonly grown in pots, but you can do it. Elderberries will develop beautiful fragrant flowers and delicious fruits if you take good care of them!
You can pick soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5 and keep it evenly moist. Add pebbles to the soil to improve drainage and prevent root rotting.
Your Elderberries will benefit from 10-10-10 fertilizer you can add in late winter or early spring. Don’t forget to prune them at about the same time to prevent them from overgrowing your pots!
19. Switchgrass
Switchgrass is an ornamental upright flowering grass. The blooming season starts in July and lasts till October. The grass adds drama and height to many plant settings and can do well on the balcony.
You can put the pots in full sun or partial shade, and Switchgrass will adapt to conditions. Other than regular watering, Switchgrass doesn’t need any special care.
20. Elephant Ear
With its dramatic leaves, Elephant Ear is wonderful for ensuring privacy on the balcony and patio. It is a tropical plant that prefers warm temperatures and massive size containers.
Put the pot with Elephant Ear on a bright spot on your balcony and amend the soil with compost for a nutrient boost! A slow-release fertilizer will help the Elephant Ear develop the most stunning foliage ever!
21. Holly
Holly is easy to grow from cuttings. Growing the Holly tree in a pot doesn’t differ much from growing it in the garden, apart from moisture demands. Container-grown Holly needs more water.
It thrives in well-draining, sandy soil. Apply a balanced fertilizer once a year to get the most out of your Holly bush!
You can also grow Holly from seeds, but the tree needs a lot of time to establish.
22. Fountain Grass
Fountain grass is a beautiful ornamental grass with a stunning landscape effect! It grows like a bush with purple flower spikes on the stem tops!
Fountain grass grows best in full sun but can adapt to partial shade. However, it won’t flower in the shade.
Fountain grass thrives in moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil. Overall, it is a low-maintenance ornamental grass, great for privacy and garden borders.
23. Clematis
Clematis is perfect for patio, balcony, and every outdoor space! You’ll need to provide a trellis for support and excellent drainage in the pot. Clematis has large roots, so you need to pick a massive-size container for it to develop freely. Add compost to improve the soil quality and help moisture retention.
Feed Clematis with liquid fertilizer often and enjoy bright-colored Clematis flowers!
How to grow Clematis on a trellis.
24. Junipers
If you want to grow Junipers for privacy, pick huge containers. Therefore, Junipers aren’t suitable for small balconies. You can start growing Junipers in the spring. But if you purchase potted specimens from nurseries, any time of the year will work.
Junipers are tolerant of most soil types, as long as the drainage is impeccable. Water your trees weekly until they establish and feed every two months.
25. Areca Palm
Areca palm brings the attractive exotic vibe to your balcony, as well as much-needed privacy! It is also one of the palms that do well in containers. Pick well-draining soil and water only when the top inch of the soil feels dry. During winter, your Areca palm needs even less irrigation.
Areca palm is a slow grower, so you won’t need to repot it often. Every two or three years is perfect timing!
26. Yucca
Yucca is one of the easiest privacy plants to grow. You don’t have to worry about soil quality, as long as the soil can keep Yucca upright in the pot! Ideally, mix sand and peat in the container to ensure good drainage.
Yucca doesn’t need a lot of water and thrives when exposed to the morning sun. Don’t forget to bring Yucca indoors to protect the plant from frost and cold.
27. Bird of Paradise
Bird of Paradise is an exotic-looking plant that requires a bright spot and a large container. Pick a quality potting mix for your Strelitzia and water well, especially after planting.
After that, the Bird of Paradise requires watering when the soil feels dry. You should also use fertilizer during the growing season.
28. Norfolk Island Pine
Norfolk Island Pine does best in sandy soil, but it will grow well in most soil types. It is commonly grown as a houseplant, but you can also keep Norfolk Island Pine on your balcony.
Norfolk Pine is used as a Christmas tree indoors, but it will also protect you from the curious neighborhood with its beautiful foliage and rich branching.
Norfolk Island Pine is a low-maintenance, slow-grower that needs full sunshine and regular watering. Only grow it on the balcony if the winters in your area are moderate.
29. Boxwood
Boxwood is the most common hedge plant, perfect for your terrace. It is a beautiful shrub that tolerates different containers and a variety of growing conditions. But, well-draining soil is a must.
The watering schedule depends on the position. If you keep Boxwood in full sun, water it every several days. Boxwoods that are kept in partial shade need less frequent irrigation. Trim the hedge when it starts to lose shape and becomes messy.
30. Sweet Bay Laurel
Sweet Bay Laurel features lush foliage and a moderately compact shape. It will instantly brighten up any balcony, and provide a privacy screen if you display several Bay Laurels in containers.
The leaves of Bay Laurel are used in the kitchen, and the plant is easy to grow. Bay Laurel grows in full sun or partial shade. Wait for the soil to dry before you water again. Fertilize it every month during spring and summer and prune in June to maintain the desired shape,
Privacy Is The Key To A Happy Life
Make your balcony your private oasis with the plants from the list above! Most of them are easy to grow and can be mixed with other plants to create spectacular privacy screens. Choose between small trees, shrubs, conifers, and climbing plants on the trellis!
I like Fuchsia and Arborvitae on my balcony!
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